Problems and knowledge About the color


Areas of black, grey, brown spots formed on paint and other surfaces, particularly in damp, shady areas.

Probable Cause
Warm, humid conditions, poor air circulation and little direct sunlight, like under eaves and overhangs. Shrubbery planted too close to a building is an ideal place for mildew to grow. Mildew must be removed before painting or it will come through the new paint.

Priming is essential for better adhesion, sheen uniformity, mildew control and durability. Select a top quality exterior paint in the color and sheen of your choice containing mildewcidal protection

Remove all mildew by scrubbing with a solution of household bleach and water. Mix 1 part bleach to 3 parts water. Wear rubber gloves and eye protection. Power washing is recommended for larger areas. Rinse thoroughly with a garden hose.


Paint blisters or bubbles occur when the paint film lifts from the underlying surface. The loss of adhesion between the paint film and the surface is usually caused by heat, moisture, or a combination of both. This condition eventually leads to peeling. 

Probable Cause
Painting a damp, dirty, or hot surface
Applying alkyd paint over latex paint
Improper surface preparation
Excessive moisture

Make sure the surface is clean and dry
Apply primer/sealer over any stains and let it dry completely
Avoid painting in humid conditions

If the blisters do not go all the way down to the substrate, remove them by scraping and sanding. Once the problem area has a smooth finish, coat with primer before applying a quality interior paint.
If the blisters go down to the substrate, you will need to remove the source of moisture.


Probable Cause
Excessive moisture.
Inadequate venting of interior moisture laden areas.
The pH level too high or the lack of curing time.
Excessive lime in concrete mix. Soluble salts in masonry when dissolved by water appear on the surface as crystallized salts.

Requires the elimination of moisture sources. Remove all loose paint and other particles with a wire or stiff brush before repainting. Fill all cracks with a masonry patching compound. Repair any leaks or other moisture sources.

Masonry primer/sealer is essential and must dry completely before repainting. Select a top quality exterior paint in the color and sheen of your choice.


Probable Cause
Improper surface preparation. Use of nails not protected against rusting. Failure to countersink and apply rust inhibitive primer. Painting over rusty nailheads, in a short time the rust will bleed through again.

Priming and proper surface preparation are essential with a corrosion-resistant primer. Select a top-quality exterior paint in the color and sheen of your choice.

Countersink the nails, spot prime and use acrylic caulk. Rust spots will reappear if you use other rusting metals without prescribed preventative measures. Specify galvanized, aluminum or stainless steel nails.

Why do I need to use primer when painting over paint?

Contact primer help to ensure a smooth, consistent base layer for the colored paint. In this case, your primer will mask many of the imperfections you’re trying to fix.

Why do I need to use primer on new masonry surfaces?

Applying primer over new surfaces seals the original material so that the paint doesn't soak into it, requiring extra coats. Primer also helps to hide joints, or seams, on new drywall. Primer with stain-blocking properties seals over mold stains and other discoloration to prevent them from showing through the finish coats of paint. 

How long do I need to leave the filler dry before paint?

The repair should be protected from ingress of water during the drying period. The filler dries in thin layers in about one hour, but thick fillings of 10 mm may require 24 hours (or longer e.g. in cold damp conditions) before overcoating.

How to paint over fresh cement?

Using Hato Super Quick Primer can allow you to paint over the fresh cement surfaces.